Published in cooperation with the Bangladesh Phytopathological Society


Bangladesh Journal of Plant Pathology (BJPP)

ISSN No. 1012-9279 (Print)

ISSN No. 2412-7558 (Online)


The Bangladesh Journal of Plant Pathology (BJPP) is peer-reviewed International Journal under the sponsorship of the Bangladesh Phytopathological Society (BPS). Sometimes the BPS receives financial assistance from the Ministry of Science and Technology, Peoples’ Republic of Bangladesh for its publication. The journal is administered by an Editorial Board constituted by the Executive Committee of the BPS. Presently the Chief Editor of the Journal is Prof. Dr. Mohammed Amin Uddin Mridha, Ex. Vice Chancellor, Pabna University of Science & Technology, Pabna and the Executive Editor is Prof. Dr. F. M.  Aminuzzman,  Department of Plant Pathology, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University(SAU), Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh.

Aims & Scope

The Bangladesh Journal of Plant Pathology publishes full-length papers and short note containing results of original research, and review articles in different fields of Plant Pathology including Mycology, Bacteriology, Virology, Plant Nematology, Economic Plant Pathology (Macro Funji), Physiological Plant Pathology, Plant-Parasite Interactions, Post-Harvest Diseases, Microbiological Toxin, and Non Infectious Diseases of Plants. Contributions are published in the English language. All contributions will be peer reviewed under the supervision of the the Editorial Board.

Open Access Policy

Every one has the opportunity to do an online search under the menu item search. BJPP provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Address for Correspondence:

Executive Editor

Bangladesh Journal of Plant Pathology
Department of Plant Pathology
Shere-E-Bangla Agriculture University, Bangladesh.


Prof. Dr. Mohammed Amin Uddin Mridha 
Chief Editor

Prof. Dr. F. M. Aminuzzaman
Executive Editor